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NotAnameYet - and along my travel, a came across a man, and he offerd me his hand.... and they walked down... (tha


somtimes u try 2 express an emotion through ure music... Last weekend i had a rather "big" argument with a great friend, and he made me see a few things i`ve forgotten... And 4 some reason, i like 2 thank him 4 that by making this one... tribute out 2 John Segers!!! iv`e known him as a Hibernian-boy and now i know him as a part of: "The They Walked Down"

and for even longer: ive known him as a friend...

the song itself: very relaxing drum en base breakcore, mixture, own melodie`s, tryed 2 keep them more important then the beat...

made a basic beat groupe with 3 different beat-types, then stole 3 random beats from 3 random, own songs, mixed them up, et voia: ideal 4 cruisin...

don`t know what to do further???





dynamik [be] - 16 years ago

schoon melodiekes int begin.... zou zich wel lenen om een rustig idm nummerke van te maken... ook precies wa meer structuur als uw ander dingen...

nice work dus

Paranoized [be] - 16 years ago

It's not drumnbass tho...

Paranoized [be] - 16 years ago

More in the likes of drillnbass ;-)

Paranoized [be] - 16 years ago

No problem, just remember if you want it to be drumnbass, it should be produced between about 170 and 175 nowadays. Stuff that is faster, but produced with same structure elements would be drillnbass. Stuff that is slower would be oldskool or just plain bullocks, and around 150 bpm you got the dubstep.
ofcourse underground music cant be defined easily from time to times, and these arent "rules"... They are more of guidelines.