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NotAnameYet - and along my travel, a came across a man, and he offerd me his hand.... and they walked down... (tha
somtimes u try 2 express an emotion through ure music... Last weekend i had a rather "big" argument with a great friend, and he made me see a few things i`ve forgotten... And 4 some reason, i like 2 thank him 4 that by making this one... tribute out 2 John Segers!!! iv`e known him as a Hibernian-boy and now i know him as a part of: "The They Walked Down"and for even longer: ive known him as a friend...
the song itself: very relaxing drum en base breakcore, mixture, own melodie`s, tryed 2 keep them more important then the beat...
made a basic beat groupe with 3 different beat-types, then stole 3 random beats from 3 random, own songs, mixed them up, et voia: ideal 4 cruisin...
don`t know what to do further???
NotAnameYet top 5:
imagne yourself -
i should have got on that train... -
The voice of Hades (drum and base remix) -
feeling itchy... (drumenprobeersel makeover) -
the time between a blink of ure eyes
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dynamik [be] - 16 years ago
nice work dus
Paranoized [be] - 16 years ago
Paranoized [be] - 16 years ago
Paranoized [be] - 16 years ago
ofcourse underground music cant be defined easily from time to times, and these arent "rules"... They are more of guidelines.