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Sensiclot - Mentalcore




IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

you sound pretty fucked up to me :D

i like where your style is going, but working with hc kicks + breaks can be a bitch. i recognize a smal ordeal i have to cope with myself every time here: structure and buildup and ideas are real good, but the mix of it all sounds a bit to bassy. too much bass takes out the energy of a song, it makes the whole song sound like it has been recorded trough a bucket of butter. but yeah, mastering is a bitch. but it makes or breaks a song, so do try and experiment with that.

about the song, as i said, like yur breaks, kicks nicely integrated, guud speed, enough variations to keep my attention, nasty distortion, i like it all. raggavocals fit wel too
jup, you got a kickass track here, just a pitty your bass kinda eats the song. but as i said, i'm having the same troubles...

allready looking forward to the next one, cheers

MrBadMonkey [be] - 16 years ago

nice track mate...in every track of you i hear some progress...but...the fatan mojah acapella isn't synced very well...keep up!!

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago
