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DenizMatiK - Ear Licking


Actually I'm not sure myself about the style of the song, it seems to be too repetitive to be real idm, but... but... I don't know, I hope you'll appreciate it ;) (freely opened to criticism, waiting for any tips, i'm still a beginner)

(íà îøèáêàõ ó÷àòñÿ)





IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

sounds pretty idm'ish to me, imo it's a loosly defined genre, so yeah i think it really fits here, has the right atmo and all.
if you'd like more variations just start creating some new beat paterns and experiment your other sounds on them. ypu can allways play a little with build up and break downs, intro comming back somewhere in the middle or so...
i would stuff it with a nice bass, not too upfront, but gently filling up the void in the background
about the song itself, really dreamy, yet not that slow on bpm. i like. feels like floating through the stars
thumb up

particle [be] - 16 years ago

nice 90's vibe, i like!

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

yes real nice, but the base for the melodie is too much the same (imo), I would bit by bit change and/or add notes with that pad-synth.
Like slowely make the melody go up instead of down along the track(?).
Like that the atmosphere would slowely change towards the end...just an idea
But the litttle sparkling ones comin in are real nice.
really like that kick.Real cool beatwork in last part.