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This is part of a new project i will be working on through 2009, this project will be mostly a mixture of electro and trip hop , with a little touch from the 80's .
i have at last found a female vocalist !!!!
her name is Steph and she will be featured on most tracks of this project.
anyway this tune is nice and chilled with a gentle melody followed by a nice coat of bass.
its me and steph on the vocals.
and the strange baby'ish sounds are me lol.
hope you enjoy.





2ManyNoobs [be] - 16 years ago

you made me feel happy ^^

101sonic [be] - 16 years ago

Hi owen, song is good but pihch corrector is disturbing me. In my point of view I prefer to hear your naturel voice even tough a bit out of tune. greets .

owen [be] - 16 years ago

yes i am hiding a nasty chest infection with the pitch correction at the mo .
will re sing it without soon.

SEXTOY [be] - 15 years ago

Sounds really quiet and peacfull. Make me remind some tracks of fisherspooner (alot because the voices).