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BLOOM - It's only an evil intro


Again, so many ideas. This might be the last song ever i made on computer.
The next period I will experiment with improvistion on synth, guitar, vocals, live drum and conga. I got the skill to make music just by the moment, so I just got to do it.
So, maybe bye electrobel, but it won't be the last you hear of me





Akwalek [be] - 16 years ago

never say never ;)

nice piece of musicality exposed here...
luv it

Rag [be] - 16 years ago

nice song :)

particle [be] - 16 years ago

pretty nice , i like! very cute melodies in this one, maybe just the mix and sounds of beats need some more attention but the rest definately works for me
about the music thing ,never say never ;) and why not do both? :)