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DOubleD - these heavenly dreams


first take of some new 120 bpm laidback stuff
comments on the mix,sound, vocals, rhymes?

don't you wonder, whats on the
other side of the rainbow
a bag of gold or radioactive ammo
perhaps another rapper sellin some crappy demo
cause i'm having these heavenly dreams
it seems as life is a gift that you should live not be lived
in the end will it make a damn diff?
what if? what if,...
i would have never smoked spliff
would i be now? sellin out arena's?
for crowds of people with brains size of peanuts,
all day on MTV? naaaaah
i would never go that far
i'm more like the deathstar
heavy like the shit we used to grow in the backyard
now with kleps the nextdoorneighbour detector
guard my back barks and give em bitemarks.
battle MC's en garde. Lets start this shit from the hart.
heads high on haze grab a mic and record
any damn thing that comes to your mind
spit it right ou and fit it in rhyme
many see this as a sign when after years of tryin, they're finally flying.
still beginning MC's cry out in tears
when they face me and realize
i've been doin this for years
as if i'm the sum of all there fears
as if i'm muslim and they're queer
shitting their pants
allthough they had great plans
after givin up grafwriting and breackdance
pretend to understand
how to expend your vision
from the pineal gland, but like blindmen they ran to strand in cement
now they're stuck
and if they wouldn't suck so bad
you'ld throw em a buck
no merci for youngsters
learn fast from the school of hard knocks





MrEmvee [be] - 15 years ago

I don't know exactly how to explain it but giving the voice more of a ' radio ' feel to it wud be cool i think.
But who am I :D

Djuna [be] - 15 years ago

What MrEmVee said; the lyrics could be more upfront, maybe add a little bit distortion and cutting the lows for that radio effect? Otherwise great song, good lyrics and nice voice!

DOubleD [be] - 15 years ago

i'll keep it in mind and upload the new mix asap

convexz [be] - 15 years ago

Like it !