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TranceBoy - Dyva


New monitors, new project.
My first half of the track.
Jan Verstichel ( Crewkiller) will produce the other half. IN CONSTRUCTION !





AcidtKandyboy [be] - 15 years ago

I find that this song has a very nice "sfeer" (don't know the English word and its forbidden to post youre comment in dutch here but I think you know what I'm meaning) .
It's a song to be played at 4 o'clock in youre car when you're going home from a party.
Nice work

Acidt Kandyboy

TranceBoy [be] - 15 years ago

Thanks, thats a boosting comment !

RaveRooster [be] - 14 years ago

Nice work tranceboy, mak had nx anders verwacht!
