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Lapsus - Infected


Track i made for fun in 5-6 hours because i have 2de zit so i cant make much music:)

so just a track for fun , a bit different then my others songs, the melodies are more 'constructed'.
i'll probably finish it when 2de zit is over..., but i tought i put it here on electrobel already for some tips maybe !
mixdown is totally not ready so the sound is not very clean :)



Lapsus top 5:




    Doompater [be] - 15 years ago

    Very very nice. Like I told you before , really dig your melodywork man,very unique imo. Keep it crazy ;)

    Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

    woooow, its a while i've been listening to your tracks and i must say, you're very talented, you understand how to build up the song and then make it explode.. great stuff, great stuff

    eckhart [be] - 15 years ago

    hey nieuwe liekes !
    bangelijke stukken in dees :)
    coole progressies en hypnotiserende leads

    edit: good luck with the tweede zit ;)

    Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

    this one sounds like mad fucked up carny fair the sequal. i'm waiting for a cheezy good ending when all evil will be defeated. ( da zal wss wel ni gebeuren, gelukkig maar;) )

    AnnoM [be] - 15 years ago

    yes man, damn nice, your melodies are wicked, work this song out, skip your 2de zit :p

    DonTimmeh [be] - 15 years ago

    Like it alot, would certainly be a very good track when finished, nice work.

    Tomastar [be] - 15 years ago

    Very nice melodies with a lot of feelings.
    Exellent job dude!

    Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

    F'ing awesome song! Don't forget to send it to me when it's finished :D
    Melodies are indeed hypnotising, and very "spirally", makes me wanna have lots of energy to be able to jump around on it ^^
    When this is finished I think it will be one of your best songs!
    And lots of good luck with your second sitting ^^

    BlueSpike [be] - 15 years ago

    Last one was me btw, forgot to log in :)

    Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

    -- Comment deleted by Lapsus--

    Lapsus [be] - 15 years ago

    Thanks everyone! i'll certainly finish it and make an other ending because in retrospective i dont really like the ending:)

    Doompater [be] - 15 years ago

    Listened again a few times. It could just be the mixdown, but imo in some way your leads stand out a bit too much. Maybe try to have more octaves folded into them if you know what I mean, to have more interaction with the rest. You know it's a superb track, just trying to say something useful you know. :)

    jonananas [be] - 15 years ago

    damn man this is a hell of a track, made in 6 hours :-o keep them comming like this, really dig you style and melody's.

    Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

    ela manneke, 2e zit is over éh, when are you comming with the finished stuff