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teebo - Dancing Wolves




liquidbass [be] - 15 years ago


HyeVolture [be] - 15 years ago

ela teebo, still alive and kicking! cool organ in the beginning! organ sound is cool, but sounds a bit krakerig (nothing wrong with that for me, but in comparison with the time the beat falls in, it suddenly gets a bit pushed away and the krakerige sound disappears). cool integration of the voice. those typical crazy teebo sounds make the whole recognisable. maybe a bit long, but I know your music always serves as a kind of medication, so that shouldn't be considered as a problem. I hope my comment is a bit constructive. I know you hate electrobel, but it doesn't hate you, so post more tracks!!!

Akwalek [be] - 15 years ago

jeeej, nice one, only first drumparts are a little harsh, voice is uber, someone IS poetry, waar hedde da uitgeknipt? heerlijk, enjoyed it until the end
keep up

particle [be] - 15 years ago

yes! i totally agree with volture hye, post more music!
a very teebonic track, i like the way you create a warme atmosphere even with that cold synth , the voices are pretty cool
good treatment of synths too
agree with akwadelika about the beats
and i'm loving the outro, it's nastier, the badass teebo with a jazzy touchken, another 5 minutes of that would be great ;)

rf061992 [be] - 15 years ago

cool.....imo, long.....but good, emotion

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

hey, glad you posted someth aigain!
i'm agreeing with the others, too long but the organ sounds cool!
nice melo's aswell

Omyiga [be] - 15 years ago

cool one man
inderdeed mss ietske té lang; ofwel ben ik niet compleet in de mood ervoor. En met de beatjes had ge meer kunnen doen; doch vree nice organtje en sfeerke!

Skip [be] - 15 years ago

if I can be harsh to you Teebo my man; it misses alot of Teebo-magic...
the mood is chill and easy going,but not magical like alot of your tracks (pas op da's waarsch de bedoeling,dus dan ek nieks te zeggen,k'zeg kwou't keer zeggen gewoon)
While listening I dont float in that supernatural atmosphere,Im rather just sitting here on earth,but its still as mentioned chill and easy-going vibe.
Hope this one is a first track as a Teebo come-back (kom bak) and that there willl be an evolution towards...
well if you are satysfied with your creation yourself ,then Ill eat my words back.

Ive heard better,that must be the reason for my comment here.
zowiezo dikken duim om u weer bezig te horen Teebo.

Rag [be] - 15 years ago

nice song very hypnotising with a nice atmo
i like :)

teebo [be] - 15 years ago

thanks for the comments, i know that the song is too long and that i could do more with the beats (as usual). thank you skip for being harsh, i know what you mean, but this track is still a good one compared with those i made in the previous months.
Thanks again for the comments, I will post more tracks in the near future!
@ sammy, i also really like the outro, glad you noticed it.

ps (i don't hate ebel btw, but exporting a track = never touching it again so...)

Akwalek [be] - 15 years ago

that exporting thing is so true, heb da ook gemaan, ma ik heb da opgelost door alles wa geexporteerd is in combinatie van elkaar in concept ep's te gooien en dan, in combinatie me veel tijd, begint ge wel te horen wa er mist, wa er beter kan, of hoe ge het eigenlijk zou willen en dan wilde automatisch "oude" songs herwerken tot een mooi geheel.releasen helpt daar ook wel bij, nen deathline enzo, moet daarvoor wel uber ordelijk zijn, vermits ge soms na jaren nog u originele files moet gaan opdiepen....
respekt allesinds

Akwalek [be] - 15 years ago

ierse, u made it to the first place in the Suggestions of the Day

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 15 years ago

nice track!!

just the beats are a bit to harsh, and too linear. overall a bit too long as well, but thats not that much of a biggy

nice tracksky

Doorchaser [be] - 15 years ago

Nice indeed a tad too long and you build it up too slow (too few things happening), but i like the idea. And that sample kicks ass!! I like your synth sounds! They sound very worked on!


unbeatablelabz [be] - 15 years ago

je weet zelluf dat de solo synth me meeneemt naar hogere sferen