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crolerbedo - Cold Meltdown


Ugh brothers...
Quite disconnected from ebel at the time, but i'm coming back for my ear's sake.
Well, made this little thing in 6 hours (or so) over the last three days.
I was pretty please with the result, 'cuz i can really see my progression in that track, regarding various aspects of music.
Still not top notch (still some mastering.mixing issues) and i might change a few things here and there, so i put it in ICZ but it's quasi finished in fact...
Have a seat and listen, my dear





liquidbass [be] - 15 years ago


moreNmore [be] - 15 years ago

wow man
.. well well !

Rag [be] - 15 years ago

really nice track, good work!

StorungStelle [be] - 15 years ago

nice, good sphere. but a nice lead melo would finish it up for me.
anyway thumb

fluid25 [it] - 15 years ago

good track....