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NotAnameYet - The most lonesome boy in the world


The most lonesome boy in the world

its about standin alone, not knowin whom 2 trust or where 2 go, and its a reaction on my previous song, so after hate and anger there comes sadness and lonelyness... aswell ive been tryin 2 use more vocals in my songs (u have 2 imagne i do everything on my dads laptop, so i do the recording with this build-in laptop - mycrophone {this could be a great title 4 future song}... so that pritty much sucks alot)

In the last minute u can here the complete tekst, i wrote it myself in order 4 school a few years back, and its about a boy who discovers the computer just erased his life, and its somehow related 2 my own life, the time i studied was truly the most dark period of my life... boehoe :)
NOtANameYeT, just Another maniac


E N J O Y T H E S O N G !!!





tamansuara [be] - 15 years ago


SunnyMuffins [be] - 15 years ago

so I started listening here, crazy shit, heard a lot of breakcore influences and very decent sound. nice stuff,mostly disturbing but that's what I like :) thumbs up

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

nouwe ge blijft me altijd verbazen!!nice done

MnemOnic [be] - 15 years ago

ge hebt echt wel u eige stijl. bevalt me wel.

Akwalek [be] - 15 years ago

yep, personality at hand here...keep materializing zhe emotions ;) they sound good
btw, if ur dad's laptop is a mac the build in mic is verry good quality, iam recording all my samples with it for 4 years now ;)

NotAnameYet [be] - 15 years ago

i have 2 dissapoint you, but my dads gear is a "aldi" cheap ass medion - windows fuckin vista sort a like laptop with more security- verifications than a man can bare... but we inderstand eachother :) tanx dad, thaw i assume you'll never read this.....

NotAnameYet [be] - 15 years ago

and my ego is flattered, tanx 4 the feedback, i dont have the dope 4 all the nice expancive stuff, but instead i try "duplicating" a few genres, :) but i must repeat againandagain: since im a E_bel-user i heard a gigantic load of supremely nice songs, and without its influences i wouldnt have reached that far for my "style"
