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MDEMMA - virtual reality


second try for dark psy
this time tried to make something more to my taste
structure is far from perfect, and the bassline might override everything on some speaker systems

made it on 162bpm

tips and comments are welcome





MDEMMA [be] - 15 years ago

some comments or tips from some more experienced dark producers would be nice...

Ndus3alFrequenC [be] - 15 years ago

The bass can use more variation but it sound good, samples are good to.. But you should use more hi hats, at the end the hi hats and snares are good... I know that goa kicks are a bit like this but yours is very "tjip tjip"... And maybe you can look for a vst with those typical dark goa little voices.. If you need some goa kicks, kopie this link: http://bit.ly/GoaKicks

keep it up! Grts,

MDEMMA [be] - 15 years ago

the lack of variation in bassline was intentionally to tone things down a bit,
you are right about the hihats they should have been more present throug out the song

I am trying to give my own interpretation to dark psy, thats why i used a kick like this, to make it more "kletsend" more agressive

thats also why i didnt use any of the too cliché psy ish arp noizes and electric voice things, i wanted too keep it dark and simple
because what I think is the best darek, its when the bassline and kick give you the heavy hypnotic rythm, and the strange background noizes give that little extra creepy effect

but i do realize that with this song i am reaaaly not there yet, its too simple because i didnt get the bassline dark enough, i still have a long way to go
so thanx for the advice and the link!

MDEMMA [be] - 15 years ago

also veyr important that i'm not trying to make goa, i find goa much too positive must of the time

i want to make evil dark satanic too many bpm dark psy shit
i had to place it under goa because there is no dark psy category

Ndus3alFrequenC [be] - 15 years ago

I see, i thought you where trying to make dark.. Dunno why. But that gives me another thought about your song! It's cool that you're heading for something unique! No duplicates or copys.. Understanding your own head is the best teacher a producer could ever wish for! Yours is to become music that is more evil and harder then you're actually expecting..
So i would say, Go beyond your limit! :)

MDEMMA [be] - 15 years ago

zet ma zeker!

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

way too empty. where are the synths? you just used samples!!!

mONo [be] - 14 years ago

Good beat and bassline , very noisy track , missing psychedelic sounds and leads .