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PersistentAura - Hurricane


It's been a while so it's about time I uploaded another track.
this one is a little less nitzhonot based but again very melodic. A little more misterious too.





Rabauw [be] - 15 years ago

Okay for validation, but at least put a song description in English please!
There are a lot of comments in Dutch on ebel, which is tolerated, but please put a song description in English so also our francophone countrymen and other people understand.

antares [be] - 15 years ago

Nice! Cool melodies, atmo.. but check your mix: kick is a bit to much in the background, and some melo's, like that acidic one, are a bit too loud.. Apart from that, very nice!

eckhart [be] - 15 years ago

nice composition overall, idd some work on the mix like antares said.
good one!

stryder [be] - 15 years ago

[quote]please put a song description in English so also our francophone countrymen and other people understand.[/quote]ok this made me giggle a bit :p

nice song, nice production!!! everything sits tight!