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Omyiga - Copy of an imitation


Again something different;
IDM'ish this time. I find this one pretty weird myself actually but who knows..you might enjoy it

Aallmost all sounds created 'by myself' with sampler and operator.
Made at night so it has that weird dreamy woozy atmosphere again.

Please comment, really don't know what to think about this one;

[b]EDIT[/b]: Small edit; improved some technical details





particle [be] - 15 years ago

i think it's great

Omyiga [be] - 15 years ago

ok cool :p

particle [be] - 15 years ago

:p hehe no really it's a good experiment, cool mood and i like the fonzy beats too, very.. fonzy ;)

Skip [be] - 15 years ago

I would add a fat cut-up bassline after 2 minutes.
And right before 03:00 the addition of extra synths make the kick and snare go lower in volume (put a compressor/limiter onkick and snare so theyll keep there strength)

besides that verry nice track, indeed something different, good stuff kerel.
like the "kick shaker snare shaker kick shaker snare shaker" -beat.
(imho not experimental enough to be called IDM...how ja,..how...kheb niets gezegd)

tittle is dope

virlyn [be] - 15 years ago

really nice!

Omyiga [be] - 15 years ago

haha, euh mja misschiens eerder electronica joak. Dank voor de comments
Idd nog wa rare compressor toestanden going on waardoor dat t volume daar wa verandert

Slapehead [be] - 15 years ago

its a little fast for me but it is fuckin great ;)))

see ya

eckhart [be] - 15 years ago

nice woozy atmo : )
nice pads
not a fan of the hihat/percussion and the screeching synth a bit after three minutes... they make it sound harder than necessary for this type of song, but that might be my personal taste..
good song anyways, also cool that you sampled it all yourself !

RaveRooster [be] - 15 years ago

Vettig. It has a dark atmosphere, nevertheless it's not too dark, a bit melancholic perhaps, which I like. Coole IDM, you're a musical homo universalis

HyeVolture [be] - 15 years ago

cool! wijs dat weer ne keer genen typical omyiga is, toont da er meer inzit dan de vaak terugkerende melodieën (ge weet datk ne voorstander ben van muzikale kameleons), maw: dikke chapeau again! zot hoe vaak er van u ne song verschijnt, bijna niet te geloven zelfs :p kvind wijs dat t nen blend is van idm/electro/electronica: zeer interessant qua stijl!

trouwens, kwil genen riot starten, ma dienen boven mij noemt u nen omo :p (kben nen onnuzeleire)

Omyiga [be] - 15 years ago

:d haha thanks hye en rooster
pas maar op, binnekort komt er nog ne verstaat-gij-aimé-core ;)

OriginalT [be] - 15 years ago

schoontje! super atmo, uber melo's,... vooral de elektronische sound/synth dat er rond 2:30 stil doorkomt is écht nice!
Very good track! (y)
nothing more to add...

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

superduper. What skip said about the bassline and also not a big fan of the harsh synth around 3 mins. Makes the zen dssapear. Other that that lovely, overall very relaxing tune! ik sta echt wel beetje verbaasd van uw productiviteit & creativiteit de laatste tijd ;)

SunnyMuffins [be] - 15 years ago

ebel logged me out just before my post grr. it was me hierboven .

Slambeat [be] - 15 years ago

Great track! :)

grim [be] - 15 years ago

smooth track this one is...
i kinda miss a kick... would give some more impact imo :)
but its cool... :)

Rag [be] - 15 years ago

i think it has something ze :p


MnemOnic [be] - 15 years ago

me diggz it :-)

Akwalek [be] - 15 years ago

atmo is delicious, rispel raspelkens om in te bijten, melo is perfectly simple; same goes for 4/4 kick/snare...luv the result mate

Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

I find this one very nice. it's minimalisticness keeps you spinned in. maybe a snatch too long? thumbs high up anyway

Jelle [be] - 14 years ago

^ that was mine, cheers

endora [be] - 14 years ago

it makes me think of bogdan raczynski.
And that's fucking positive !