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Brainflash - Pigs of Massdestruction




endora [be] - 14 years ago


Rambastik [be] - 14 years ago

Goeien Dubstep man! Fijn liedje!

Uutegem [be] - 14 years ago

Nice, but very fucking loud man! How about you fix that and repost it? Cause it's nice though!

SEXTOY [be] - 14 years ago

Quelle horreur. J'vais finalement prendre les "thumb up" pour des insultes.

I don't put a thumb down, cause it's actually "earable", but honestly, it's a shame for dubstep. No emotion, no vibration, no originality, just a basic production with some acid/house/tekno/transe (I don't know, and I fucking don't care about the exact name) crap influence.

Sorry I'm hard, but I'm fockin lazzy about that Ebel Bisounours Attitude, where every peace of shit is great.

Brainflash [be] - 14 years ago

mon excuses é SEXTOY. you can't like every song ;d

Rambastik [be] - 14 years ago

You're right Brainflash :p

Brainflash [be] - 14 years ago

@Rambastik> ik vind uiteindelijk ook nie elk liedje da k maak zo goed, deze vind ik zelf ook nie zo schitterend ma bij de meeste ben ik wel content. sommige mensen op deze site zijn echt wel goed in het afkraken van muziek. maja das een hobby opzich è :d

Rambastik [be] - 14 years ago

Gij doet uw ding en da's O.K.

TRaffik [be] - 14 years ago

Not a big fan either, although it has some good ideas. The wobbles are a bit too static for my taste.
Try to space out the snare in the mix. It is drowning in the wobbles once they fully come in. Some minor sidechaining might help here.
Also, watch your levels mate!

indianajohn [be] - 14 years ago

wo tis hier precies tof zeg!

I like the electro sounds mixed with dubstep. And the bigin its nice but 5min in the same style its a bit too much for me.

En zoals Rambastik het zegt doe wa GIJ graag hebt en maak ni uit of da iedereen da apprecieert of ni.

Et sextoy je veux pas faire le bizounours mais on est tous la pour s'encouragé et pas pour ce démotivé non plus si tu kiff pas tu mets juste un pti -1 et le pourquoi mais pas besoin d'exagéré non plus.


corbendallas [be] - 14 years ago

some really nice ideas in here !
i would change some things in the beat but it sounds pretty original

Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago
