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tumc - Autumn Leaf


it's been a long time,... but here's a new instrumental! all comments very welcome, and i will return the favor


tumc top 5:




    Gogolevitch [be] - 14 years ago

    delicate and soft one ! thumb up !

    Kleptomik [be] - 14 years ago

    Excellent ! So nice ! I am a fan ! The sounds are perfectly surrounded (?), nice melody and beat... nothing to say ! One could imagine some singer, but it's not necessary

    Rabauw [be] - 14 years ago

    Nou nou, nice!
    Sounds are great, sounds like a studio recording.
    Actually this makes me think of another ebel user: dontwakemeup

    It's kinda the same style as some of their songs, also studio-ready material.

    The spectrum, panning, mix etc is all great!
    You've done a very good job and I can tell lots of work here.
    Maybe just put the cello a bit lower in the mix, to make it sound more distant.

    Good good!

    cobrider [be] - 14 years ago

    like it !

    eckhart [be] - 14 years ago

    ahhh this is nice!
    some guitar parts could be played a bit tighter, but it has a charm as it is right now. great drum recording, but maybe bring it just a little bit more upfront...
    lovely composition! great nightly chiller :)

    Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

    Very, very nice job on this composition. I give up major thumbs up, even after the first 20 seconds of this track. Very smooth sound with fantastic bango variety.

    Rambastik [be] - 14 years ago

    This song tell's me a story only I can understand. know what I mean? :)

    tumc [be] - 14 years ago

    @ all: thanks for the kind words and thoughts! @ Rambastik: i'm not really sure what you mean... though very curious ... fill me in?? :)

    Rambastik [be] - 14 years ago

    well, when I get enchanted by music or a tale, I tend to almost drown in my own fantasy and resurfacing afterwards is hard for me but that's what I do^^