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ZoOlR - Syndrome
Yoo !Dubstep again, but more agressive than the other one.
I used a lot of wobbles, and amnesia fosho' ! :p
ZoOlR top 5:
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Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago
AnaBolicSystem [be] - 14 years ago
+1 and save mate!
ZoOlR [be] - 14 years ago
Thanks ;)
TRaffik [be] - 14 years ago
If i may nitpick for a sec here, i think the size of the reverb on the bass should be expanded, sounds like it's played in a small cell now.
But this might be personal taste, i'm quite a reverb-man :p
Other than that, good one.
Janus [be] - 14 years ago
Par contre j'attendais une genre d'explosion à la fin ou tu te déchaine avec tes synthés, avec des gros breaks.
That's just a personnal thought though, still a quality tune fosho' ! ;)
ZoOlR [be] - 14 years ago
Dont' know if I'll work on it. Maybe one day...
Therapy [be] - 14 years ago