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Th3Shift - Shine


long time ago i uploaded something
here is a brand new dnb track with some reggae vocals ( <3 reggae )
this is a short versie of the track
hope you'll enjoy it
(contact me for the full version )


Th3Shift top 5:




    CruizeOfFiction [be] - 14 years ago


    nice job

    one comment: personally I'm not realy fond of that trumpet like sound (the one that speaks out the most the last 10 seconds of the track). If I was you I'd add another oscillator (preferably a saw) detune it by 50% and add some overall reverb and effects to the instrument. Maybe automate the volume with some decay so it sounds more stabby instead of a sound with continious volume untill it stops.

    BUT, thats personnal :)

    very nice one on the subtill reversed sound as well, cool detail. I'd just add some more effects here and there but its a very nice tune

    thumbs up and stuff yo

    thecitymassive [be] - 14 years ago

    love a copy of this?

    Janus [be] - 14 years ago

    Quality track nothing much to say !
    Gratz man :D

    Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

    very nice track. And i agree with Cruize. Yr basics are there but It sounds a bit flat, you need to give it more oomph..imho.

    Gerrick [be] - 14 years ago

    Laidback stuff! Yet again a good job mate! grts

    transynth [be] - 14 years ago

    Cool, I'm no D&B fan but this sounds right to me :) good sound. Thumbsup & keep them coming

    Cloudwalker [be] - 14 years ago

    great job once again ;)
    tot maandag e :p

    mONo [be] - 14 years ago

    j'aime bien ce son :)