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KaZaN - test-o-3


Srry for not being able too finish this one but my PC crashed again (this is like the 13th time) i just hope you like it and more will come soon i hope
greets KaZaN

PS: this is the song i'm most proud of :)





KaZaN [be] - 14 years ago

te langen intro mischien?

Rambastik [be] - 14 years ago

I think it's a good track but the kick doesn't pound enough for me, you could try to make the kick more punchier

bassmonk [be] - 14 years ago

best track I've heard from you, the acid/bassline is really catchy and has a nice buildup and variations. rambastik is right about the kick, try another one, equalize/compress your bassline and kick so they don't play on the same frequencies. I would work this one out more, it's a real cool one!

KaZaN [be] - 14 years ago

mr vr de rest ni te lang of te monotone'ish
kheb ook nen 2de 303 line mr ben ni ect zeker da het erbij past + kwenogaltijd ni nr waar dak moet gn = being in a jungle without a map or elec stuff

greets & thnx fr the comment

ZARk [be] - 13 years ago

try to include info in your update in the description :)

btw: that woodblock sound is waaay too loud

mrgasmask [be] - 13 years ago

thumbs up.