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Elfish - Electrobelge


This track gives a good view on my style about making music. Hope you enjoy it, comments are welcome.






HerrMajer [be] - 20 years ago

Nice track, but I wouldn't hesitate to make it a little bit harder. The trancy melody is good, but after that you should get a straight-forward climax with more bangin' beats, something that flows...

Elfish [be] - 20 years ago

indead, the song is a bit soft. I added a kick and i sounds better :) Now i'm trying to add some bangin beats ;)

Elkhor [be] - 20 years ago

Good "base" for this one but I'll change some details...
A mastering will be good , I don't like the third sound and the way of it comes in the track. When you cut the ritmik part at 1'52 it's to abrupt for me , maybe put a flanger or other fx on da ritmik for putting down this last... After 3'00 the track become techno , jammer :p but not for a too long moment

Elfish [be] - 20 years ago

i don't know what you mean whit the third sound. When does it come in the track. I'll make the cut of the ritmik part smoother but, for the last thing: Herrmajer advised me to make it harder, but what do you advise me? If i cut the ritmic part, then there isn't realy a climax.

Elkhor [be] - 20 years ago

the third sound ( tekno or electro sound don't know) comes to "spontaneous" in the track , I think you could introduce it more "slowly"... Yes harder will be good , harder is always guud :p (for me).

reaman [be] - 20 years ago

Hi there again, kinda liked the party-sound in it. Should work this one out for the compilation we're about to make. Could you pass me the flp-file so I could have my way with it? Let me try to give it a little twist. C if you like it.