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Elfish - Fingerspitzengefühl




HerrMajer [be] - 20 years ago

Cool song, but I think it needs vocals. The song reminded me at a song from Stijn, Ziek. If you would add some good vocals it could definitely be a great track imo, I hope others have the same feeling?

Elfish [be] - 20 years ago

tnx for the compliment!
Yes i know, some of my songs could use some vocals, but the problem is, how do make/get them?

I don't have a micro that works, and i don't know any good singer...

reaman [be] - 20 years ago

Well Elfish, we could work something out as I told you in the mail two weeks ago. We've got some studiotime if you only want to. As for the song: I think this is one of your most melodic tracks and like most of it. One day you're going to post something that blows us all away!!!

Sheila [be] - 20 years ago

Hi Elfish,
This Ffingerspitzengeffuhl downloads as Softly Chillin'. I don't agree that it needs vocals - although vocals might be good. I have used it in a film and showed the film to my film-making partner, Jill, and we agreed that your song is really strong, sustained, complex, nicely disciplined, very satisfying.

I have listened to it a lot (mostly looking at the footage I put with it of forests and mangroves and strong colours) and it always impresses me.

That isn't to say some singing wouldn't be good, but only to say the song works really well for me as it is.

I've just listend to "Press to continue" and that sounds pretty good too - the piano is interesting. Will have to listen a few more times to let you know more.

My email is smnaesp@alphalink.com.au if you want to know more.

Sheila N

Rabauw [be] - 20 years ago

Too bad it's daytime, I'd love to hear this during nighttime :). Somehow I feel the fx should be a lit less upfront in the mix. Nevertheless again a good production by you, the main synths are cristal clear and a bit of haunting/spooky, something which I always appreciate. From some elements one would get the impression it's more of an industrial track. oh well, electro or industrial, doesn't matter :) Put simply I like this a lot!