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cestqui - fresh fruit


well,took on the hard task of reworking a sketchy funky house song,this is only the reason product,and the sound seems k to me,need to quantize my rhodes ,and i'm a bit stuck on my bazeline,sounds allright with the kick >but alone it still sounds a bit skethy(portamento),
2 solutions>

2<1 diffrent bazeline(sample-bazeslide

please give it a listen and a thought,may be someone encountered a similar prob and has a sugestion;

just polling if its wurth the trouble of finishing this song,so commenst and suggestions are realy welcome






djsennahoj [be] - 20 years ago

i dont like the many changes in hihat/ride, i think hihats should stay in the background, they can never be in 'focus'. Same for the clap at some points... But it does sound funky & sweet like the better house music does ;)

eddie [be] - 19 years ago

basic feeling about this track.. not that good; there are some good elements, but they are cancelled by some bad ones and also by the 'chaos' effect.

*trumps are horrible
*rhodes chord is good
*rhodes melody sound too easy
*bassline is good (perhaps a bit too 'hyper' for me personally)
*string (I think its a string) - doesn't bring an added value... drop it or only use in a break.
*structure - not that good - you don't "have" to build layer on layer in house music, you just need to find the right balance.

once again perhaps a bit critical opinion (but you asked for it;-))
