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dynamik - reminder of a bouncing thing


this is my first electronica - idm - kind of production... i wanted to refer to one of my favourite producers aphex twin. thats why some people might say that the middle part sounds a little bit like the bouncing ball. the song isnt finished yet because my pc is way to weak to run all the vst plugins at the samen time... i will complete it as soon i can, but first i will need a new pc with massive soundcard and Ram comments are more than welcome





amorph [be] - 20 years ago

nice one ... i like the beat pretty much
the melody is kinda fine too but it really needs some changes ...
sounds like it's he same loop running from the beginning till the end of the track...
nice job though ;)

dynamik [be] - 20 years ago

that's exactly what i was thinking too... it also needs a bit more background atmosphere

Doorchaser [be] - 19 years ago

I liked it a lot. Maybe you just ought to keep it this way. It 's an IDM track that gives a raw feeling and I sense that also on Aphex Twins recordings. As far as i'm concerned that's a compliment. Goood Work!!

icteder [be] - 18 years ago

mhh another one i'v missed before.nice little story.