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dynamik - minimalism


a deephouse track with a little touch of minimal again not finished due to CPU failure. and the mixage still needs lots of work comments would be nice





djsennahoj [be] - 20 years ago

Nice sound, nice composition! Not really danceable though...

Funky [be] - 20 years ago

Sounds nice indeed....a bit far away...but I sure like the idea...
EZ listening :)

Brom [be] - 20 years ago

nice one dude!!!
not so minimalist but great soundz anyway!! especially your e-piano and bassline !!! good sweet loungy style!!


kiande [be] - 20 years ago

sweet & relaxing, well done!

jean [be] - 20 years ago

very nice song, who did inspired you, I like to know some more of this music

cestqui [be] - 20 years ago

well,i'm not so sure about the whole picture ,i agree that it's a nice musical composition,like some people claim to posess,is the capacity to hear the frequency's,well i'm not that alien,i use my meter,and i see a lot more potential to the bazeline warmth,and sirious pounding beats,it sounds nice dont misunderstand me ,great job,love the style,keep that minimal flowing


dynamik [be] - 20 years ago

i agree with cestqui... thats why i said the mixing still needs lots of work... but since i make my music on worn out pc speakers, and don't know much about fine-tuning of sounds the mastering isnt that good...... :) i'm a total rookie on mixing and mastering...