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flewidz - black hole


...imagine youre traveling into space..
this is the V.2 i deleted the one before cuz the bass wasnt strong enough ...
enjoy !! GREETZZZ





babyGirl [be] - 19 years ago

making lots of progress. Both basslines are huge, i like this one

kiande [be] - 19 years ago

production skills are good, but the melody is not quite right, it feels like a computer randomizing notes. some work needed on the overall musicality.

Zorf [be] - 19 years ago

yeaaaahhh... this music is a wonderfull work except the bass.

babyGirl [be] - 19 years ago

true the first bass could be more powerfull like the one on "bucker" but still, i got used to it like this and i love it ^^