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cestqui - summer in sight


finaly ,i got myself a mylo-sound,just the vocal and tweet idea,was interesting for me,i wanted to have also more feeling in the pad,like metro area,but still a houzy rythme

hope i wont disapoint the mylo-metro area fans,still work to be done,but i like my flow and ending,itro could need attention,

hell,you tell me,enjoy





PlanetsCitizens [be] - 19 years ago

Cool bass track!! Are u a bass player? But if i can say something, you should put some change (rolls and so on) for the drums...

kiande [be] - 19 years ago

a hear a wrong note in that square wave bleepy sound. something is wrong with the quantization of the hats, must sound tighter to the rhythm. work more on your hooks, get rid of that randomized feeling! already told you that didn't i? ;) nice sounds, has potential.

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

hhahah,what a resemblance to that artist,took up a bazeguitar,and five months later;;;;
as usual,this isent perfect yet,took a lot of facelifts,to be like this

yet,thx for commenting constructive,i had a feeling that there was something wrong when the pad goes long etc,
well,for my 1ste edit of this song,i'm very pleased,there's even a ending ,hahahh

thx,kiande,you made me better,not perfect,yet!!

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

could some-one picture more results if i added snares,instead of claps,can do much more rollin with them
,let me know

eddie [be] - 19 years ago

* piano = off-sync. (offsync works for techno and sometimes in house... but not here)

* vocal = dissonantic

* soundchoice - ok

* structure - where the hell are you trying to take me? there is little fit between the melodies (they are fine on themselves, but there is no coherence)

* bassline - good

DJerem [be] - 19 years ago

sorry but i agree with eddie , this track had some problems !!! not in mastering but in structure !!!

i thing you can do better !!! with a little work !!!


aphone [be] - 19 years ago

yep good beat but some changes would be guud!

excellent bazzline for me and
don t like so mutch the other sounds but anyway good work!!! many variations in melodies
but the square sound... brrr dont like it at all.. :d

keep up tha guud work ;)

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

aphone ,is that sound in the picture???
,i think its what counts,i prefer also other sounds,but cant sound too much like mylo either,i have searched a lot to find another sound,

i'm also mallcontent about the chordsound,(very far in the back),i have searched many rfl for suitable sound

so if ,somebody has a cooler sound,let me know,without sounding intirely milo or metro area

thx for the comments

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

oh yeah,important

please ,can somebody comment on sound,cause some dude told me his speaker were gasping for air,too loud he said,and sounds harsh,kbut;;;;

since i have 2 speakersystems,and i'm a maniac for sound(i'm listening on every soundsystem i'll find,in cars,on stereo's

hell,i mastered it on my active monitors,and is still all those settings
but if only 1 guy complains about the sound,i almost think his speakers are hurt by some song he wanted to make

if you could just check it,the more opinions the more speakersystems it passed


liquidbass [be] - 19 years ago

what to say... the song sounds ok to me!!! I checked it on my stereo and on headphones...
Knowing cestqui, he's such a soundfetishist, he wouldn't post a final version of a song when he's not sure it's produced and mastered in the best possible way!
It still can happen that somethings wrong... but thats what comments are for... but here I really don't see the matter ;)

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

The track ain't really good mastered. Everything is mixed to harsh, try to make a better balance between your sounds. The track can't breath. It sounds like you've put a single-bandcompressor on your main mix with a very hard attack. I'm not against of using a compressor as an effect, but in this case I'd advice to compress a little less and try to get a firm mixdown through decend mixing (getting balances right).
Also is the high-band to much excited

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

Interesting stuff, Need a little push in General, But Nice Work man....