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cestqui - tears from the hart


strange combinations,funky rhythm,technasia-alike melo,with a all tech -minimal jacket on

very depre sound and song,made in wurse times,even wurse then now,its called relativation ,and picked up the wire now,still depressing heheh,but more finished,i guess i always want to respect my original sound in remixing;never been posted ,so for you folks its brand new

enjoy it





NicoN [be] - 19 years ago

Deleted comment by NicoN

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

but i posted mine in the right section,that was what i ment,and i say it so often to people,not only you

dont feel attacked,i'm certainly arent,i know where it comes from

Xizor [be] - 19 years ago

Mhhh good good good