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Elfish - Sharply Drowned


It always gets fucked up!! I tried to make some house/dance and look what's the result: A floating electro-track.

It starts pretty calm, but near the end, the track changes step by step there are a lot of layers. For the main sound, I was inspired by Alter Ego's 'Gate 23'. Hope you'll hear the similarities. And offcourse I hope you'll enjoy this track cuz I had pretty much fun when making it.






reaman [be] - 19 years ago

very good ideas but you seem to get stuck in your electro-genre. I'm not the average electro-lover so I could say things others don't agree with. You take so much time to get to your main melody (2'50")and once you're there you already quit. To many good ideas to stuff into 4 minutes. Take the time to add some more, make it the floating track you describe it as. Should take more than 4 minutes imho.
Don't like the arpegiated bass-chord throughout the whole song. Some sounds sound to "plastic".

aphone [be] - 19 years ago

yeahh real creative work!!!

don t like some sounds of the drums but good track anyway... a bit old school style ;)


Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

yup good ideas. The track doesn't really stand out or anything, but it's a nice one to listen to anyway.

djsennahoj [be] - 19 years ago

I dont really like the scheme. It should be stretched a bit i think, and put some irrationality (in modern words: emotions) in there too. This could make a dancefloor bomb though. Just make it a bit more 'progressive' (i hate that word), that would make the difference we need, i think. Greetz & thumbs up !

Funky [be] - 19 years ago

Much good stuff in one song indeed... Pretty impressive... I prefered the part around minute 3.. Could be a song theme on it's own imho...Nice job

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

Some nice shit you've got there Elfish, greetz Nicow von Sask