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DarkQ - acid phreakz dimentia


I just made this stuff for fun...
There's a juno in there somewhere with a 303 and the cool drumatix (tr-606) as drumz.





kemi [be] - 21 years ago

Old Skoooooool flava ! back in da days

Dizzy [be] - 21 years ago

Pump up the volume

golan [be] - 21 years ago

de 606 klinkt inderdaad nogal luid... en cranck diene 303 wa harder!!!!

praecox [be] - 21 years ago

maby you should get a hardwarecompressor, or a cheap analogue mixing desk where you overdrive your drum sound ...

I've always found that 606BD a bit to dull, add some puching flavor.

your music is great, like you don't give a damn ... but you should give a damn about your mixing. cranck up the tb303 volume ...