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cestqui - that 70's-80's show


retro sounds in a funky package,

where the song stops,i will add a break,to continue this show

hope ya enjoy the show,last time it was the ride,muhahahaa

serious now,comments and sujestions are very welcome






Cameron [be] - 19 years ago

Don't like this track very much.
First of all, it's audio clipping! Not much variation and try to make the sounds a bit more clean


Funky [be] - 19 years ago

Doesn't clip here.....And it sounds quite clear here...Even think you mixed it well...Dunno if Cameron 's settings were right when listening to this song...
And I find this song really special...Still like it!!! :) Grtz!

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

theheh,i was thinkin the same thing

i think he wanted to dislike this song,cause i commented his song,i actualy like his,but some people just cant handle opinions or sugestions.

i sujest,grow out of it,and always doubt yourself or your equipment

i'm never sure,you had me thinkin for a second,that my investment in double active monitors was for nothing.

in the future,you better check twice before opening your big fat mouth,about clippin


cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

oewwww,nize a song that clips is actualy in top 50,on top of things,i'll make some more clippin songs

4EYEZ [be] - 19 years ago

hehe funny comments (who can't handle comment now??? :)

but hey, whatever.

Not too keen on the track, but it has a funny 80ies 'ring' to it!
I really like the bass.. and really..really dislike the drumsection again!
For the rest, you clearly got talent.. !! (but not with beatsections, i think.. )

nice work anyway

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

theheh,i can take comments,only i hate lies and people that manipulate;

this aint about commenys anymore with some people;

they think in terms of'getting even'

for your info,i'm normaly better in drumsection,was beatboxer before(15 years ago),but i'm focusing on actual music chords and scales these days;

thx for noticing,the rhythme wasen't that good,i was just too ocupied with the rest,will take care of it,in next version


Cameron [be] - 19 years ago

It's not about you giving comments on my tracks. I'am not a child. I knew you liked my songs and I like also some of your tracks! But this track I don't like it very much. And sorry, but I like clean sounds and on my monitors it sounds like ...

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

Cameron is very right about this one..........................