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cestqui - deep floor
this version,makes me smile,especialy with the new instrument that i introduced;without falling into chaos,i've managed to time all instruments perfect,for the sexiest song in town,muhahah
smile,along with me,greeeeetz
cestqui top 5:
3/4>>the magic nr -
retro area -
c'est-qui da ass -
summerstorm -
back 2 da future
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eddie [be] - 19 years ago
Funky [be] - 19 years ago
heatfuse [be] - 19 years ago
DJerem [be] - 19 years ago
Nothing to say exept !!!
Add to My favs !!!
liquidbass [be] - 19 years ago
100 % funky
100% groovy
100% cqistyle
coooool summernight tune! :)
alcassandre [be] - 19 years ago
Simplicité, harmonie, un des seuls à me faire danser dans ma chambre...
Ma bénédiction....
Carbura [be] - 19 years ago
djsennahoj [be] - 19 years ago
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
and diden't got to that part yet,and cause i moved a simple clap,the hi hat doesn't cover the space,i'd noticed it 2
i was a bit more ocupied in writing a realistic guitaar,with pc;it pays off ,after lots of work,even after 4 years i got to some horified conclusions,about my rhythme claps,finaly i found the key to real funky rhythmes(in my software anyway),but diden't change the hi hat,will fix it,later
heatfuse [be] - 19 years ago
Sweet! wasnt expecting a guitar...good choice ;)
kiande [be] - 19 years ago
(i know my comments are targetting you, but hey, that's what you get if you draw a lot of attention)
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
kiande [be] - 19 years ago
"without falling into chaos, i've managed to time all instruments perfect, for the sexiest song in town" -> i disagree, live with it.
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
live with it,if ya cant handle ,that i get attention,make your own tune;
and eu,you are not from my town,and stop beiing like a child,and always turn around my words,its patethic,use your time usefull;
the alkaida link,is to tell you,i wont react anymore ,on such a treath
best way to conquer it,is to ignore it,and go on like i was before(respect to the londoners)
mucho gracias,for all the entertaining speaches,i hope lots of people will enjoy this
may be you will,once ,if ya learn to take some distance
kiande [be] - 19 years ago
by the way, you can have all the attention of the world for my part, as long as you realise that you are not criticism-proof. in fact this discussion reminds me of a spoilt kid i know. let me explain: once the little fella drew some stuff on a piece of paper. it was way behind the level of drawing skills kids his age usually have. but his parents always told him his drawings were very beautiful. in the end the poor fella couldn't tell right from wrong anymore and really started to believe all he did was fantastic.. notice a pattern here? and make no mistake, i am harsh, but i am fair, and i really mean it when i say i don't like music for whatever reason.
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
i'm only try to encourage you to shut up!!
i seen there are a lot of people that dont match your standart,dont think i gone leave my sleep for you;
and i'm fair,and very harsh,everybody knows me 4 that
stop playing the e-bel cop,or the niveau comite',it will only make ya less popular,and also making a certain point
but the way you talk,no-one will really respect that,nor the fancy texts you write
we are just plain ordinairy people,may be its time to search a other forum,and i'm sorry if we dont meet your standart
i rest my case al kianda
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
Carbura [be] - 19 years ago
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
and carbura is a living example,of who i am,very harsh,very realistic,feet on the ground,straight to the face
ask my ex college(carbura),hell ask my boss
again back 2 comments,
kiande [be] - 19 years ago
firefrog [be] - 19 years ago
2 kiande: there is a slight difference between remarking some flaws of a track and breaking down every single track of one specific user (who is more beloved than you AND has proved more than you), while all the others give their approvals ==> just stop making a fool of yourself, i think u know how
kiande [be] - 19 years ago
as a token of my good intentions, i'll end this discussion with a piece of advice. i have listened to a lot of your tracks cq, but why is it that i can't whistle the melody of anyone of them? if i can't whistle it, it's damn hard to remember them as well. make it stick!
au revoir chers amis
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
exeeded,i think this a long time(technical,not musical),but do i stick it in your face(untill you asked for it)
and i recognize the technique,of taking out the big fish,but;...i was like that,diden't want to be remebered like that.....
i take more satisfaction,in creating,then breaking down,and man,if i would wait untilll a song is just,like it plays in my head,it would take forever to post anything,
so i urge you
respect the way i work,in stages,if i'm fed up with the melo's in a song,i quit,i start,or rework another
believe me,it does more good ,then bad!!!!
at least i 'm not rusty,and stay in shape,and dont loose my time,and still learn after 4 years
do ya think i dont have enough critisisme,if i still learn(if not,i would stick the same)
i see this diffrent,somewhere,along the way,ya have to be happy about what ya achieved(for ya self),but still know inside there's room for improvement
next time,tell whats wrong
(like some comments you did)in the song,in the tone(quit amusing) that ya just did,and not the all-hearing ear on e-bel;
i'm sure every-one will consider your kind suggestions
and not your popularety will be up,but your credibilety
just my gentle opinion on things
and from my side,i will try to make better music, 2 amuse me,just hope some of you amuse you 2,
aint it that,whats it all about??greetz
firefrog [be] - 19 years ago
2) can you wistle "i don't know" of plastikman, or "wisdom to the wise" of dave clarke, or "silk ties" of µ-ziq?? i don't think so!!! please, be serious, the last track i could wistle was "candyman" of da boy tommy, and compared to that kind of music, we are the gods of sound... by the way, i already have tons of cestqui-tracks on cd (which i play while i dj), and i know them all by melody and/or sound, just like all the other tracks and records in my cd-/vinyl-case.
short summary: you succeeded in continueing to make a fool of yourself.
kiande [be] - 19 years ago
i'm very aware of the fact that if one calls another one's child ugly, he ends up being hated. but continuing to make a fool of myself? i hardly think so.
firefrog [be] - 19 years ago
maybe you should take a distance of it all, think of what you have been writing the last weeks and imagine what happens on msn between a number of ebel-users each time you post a new comment...
kiande [be] - 19 years ago
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
thats something usefull,keep ep comming like this
and please,all of ya ,stop waisting your time on this
and its a bit late to be curious,the damage has already been done(year after year),point made,bla bla
but dont xpect waking up tommorow,logging in,and hearing stuff on e-bel with same niveua as rinocerose
if we were all that good,we wouldent be in here,wouldent we
so who has self-critisme now,who's with his feet on the ground??
kiande [be] - 19 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago
But i think music is like sex, i let to the porno actors the technical comments, i m just an amateur and just wanted to say that i LOVE the cqui's work. love something is just a luck and i m really pity for u that u don t have my luck =(
Carbura [be] - 19 years ago
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
wasen't a productive evening
reaman [be] - 19 years ago
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
>live aint that simple<
but e-bel,stands above simple
i'm not sure what to believe anymore
acording to some, i'm tonedeff
acording to some, its good
my conclusions,e-bel users are tonedeff(a bit of sarcasme in the morn)
thhhehehe,people let me xplain something,befor talking shit next time
this piano was a wurlitzer,i changed the whole piano,to real piano sound
and gues what,it 's good from chords,from the start,never was wrong,so dont say next time,the piano is better of notes,it is and was always the same
and for those that think,i'm growing out of the league,i'm still here,aint i;
and i gues,you will be too
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
piano sound,from reason bank,does not sound harmonic at all,
but it sounds so....not beeing heared on e-bel...well ,c'est-ui says,i'll dare,i try,i dont care what they'll say
more people schould dare in my opinion(in their music,not in their words)
icteder [be] - 19 years ago
do to much with you melody lines.i think if you did half it would be better.your structures need to be balanced more in my opinion because everyone hears that you can make up a good melody but they get
dazzled by al the nice notes(not always toneright ok) and tones.structure is so important and thats what kiande tries to say i think(altough sometimes he should think over his words-hate provokes hate) now, ain't that a simpel lesson for y'all:just shut the fuck up sometimes and think about what you say and the way you say my basic opinion on your song more with less. something else :heatfuse you almost always have a big mouth on everybodys songs, seeing you fish for help like a crazy man in the construction zone realy makes me go haha can somebody give comments if they don't know more then the person that make the song.i appreciate you being so honest all the time altough i must say that you realy should try to be more nice insted of trying to stirr up dicussion all the time(those are your words i believe).make some more music.atleast then you can give honest helping may start to shoot now(not below the waste please)greets
kiande [be] - 19 years ago
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
like you putting the words out of my mouth,about evey-one ya mensioned;
and more catchy then kiande-talk(just beeing ironic,but dont want discusions about it),it will stick forever!!!
this is funny shit,cause its like what i think,but so good explained
big respect to a mind like that
eddie [be] - 19 years ago
kino [be] - 19 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago
spootnick [be] - 18 years ago
1) you start off really chaotic (the guitars) and then build off to a simpler melody, i'd like it better if it were the other way round...
2)There's no clear, recognizable melody in those guitars if you'd just make more pauzes at first in that rather chaotic melody and make it more simple (maybe later on going to the complexer melody you have now)
3) I like the song better towards the end --> see 1) and 2)
4) indeed, in the middle part the guitars AND the piano start doin some really complex stuff. one of them can do that maybe, but the other one should give a more relaxing melody we can "understand", cause listening music is like listening to a story, you don't want a thousand plots together, you'll stop following. A lot can happen, something escalates blablabla, but the MAIN theme should be there, clear and simple to keep us on "track". :)
5) I don't have any remarks on how the whole song sounds, cause then i would be repeating lots of comments. Oh what the heck: it sounds awfully sexy!
6) to the discussion earlier: i think kiande and cestqui are very much alike
Make more of this stuff and maybe keep in mind the constructive comments, if you like, big respect!
spootnick [be] - 18 years ago
AudioCrack [be] - 18 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago