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cestqui - total drummed out


after the years go by,'m finishing up some songs

i added some dirty vocode action

added a powerfull bazeline,same patern though,mastered it at 0 db,no clips
just to work out a suitable ending,for now i leave it to you

enjoy,and leave some suggestions





eddie [be] - 21 years ago

in the beginning the combination of rythms sounded a bit weird to me. But when the dj-randy-sounding-synth' (i call it that why because he used to use that kind of sound in his productions) the track comes to life. The rythm does not attrack my attention anymore, but it does keep me movin' - and that is what we want.
Nice track - techno as i like it.

kiande [be] - 21 years ago

well made track, with a futuristic feel. the only element i don't like so much is that sleighbell percussion thingy, it sounds a bit harsh to the ears. maybe drop the complex percussion somewhere in the mix, with only the kickdrum and the atmospherics going, and later reinsert them.. techno is about the alternation of holding back and blasting away. but overall a very nice track.

FlashyJ [be] - 21 years ago

It takes a few seconds to be used with the full & solid rythm, but once i was ( accoutumé = accustomished ? :p ) to the rythm i can't get rid of it, i downloaded this track, i like it and i will mix it at some private parties , if you aggree with it, cestqui :) Good work, it rocks !

cestqui [be] - 21 years ago

have some patients!!,flashy j
like some people noticed ,there has to be some work done on the build up(by means of muting some percusion,so ya get a other groove to the ear),then ya can play it silly on party's

update will be soon available

foeke [be] - 21 years ago

This track really has an African feeling inside... enjoying the percussion and just dig the rythm, a keeper...

kemi [be] - 21 years ago

I really like the "wave" sound, i'm not sure for the drums, I think the track can also work without the percussions.. Very good kick ;)

MarX [be] - 21 years ago

Ur best track for me mate! And like others said, it keeps u moving! Dancefloorshit for shure ;-)

kaoz [be] - 19 years ago

very much like the potz&panz, very calypso... do need a break sometimez though... (and a few samplez maybe)