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ZARk - Circle Of Dreams [Zark Remix]


don't take this song too seriously :P
Lyrics come from the Circle OF Dreams song by Churchill.





isnieZot [be] - 21 years ago

me likes. nice work!
the vocal is the shizzle :D

greets isnieZot

gangreneproject [be] - 21 years ago

actually, i also like the song, but i think the drum get's a little too loud and is a bit repetitive, but it's still a good track


foeke [be] - 21 years ago

Hehe, like this one :D A very cool melody, some flashy sounds, but as gangreneproject said, there's something wrong with the drum/beat. It sounds a bit too upfront, he fits in the song, but you could adjust him just a little bit.. just a thought

djit [be] - 21 years ago

excellent track imo. very simple, and those are the hardest to make.