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cestqui - summer breezz


pop dnb,sounds like 'duran duran'only it shakes more and pumps up your hartbeat

remember,this is a previeuw,so no comments on variations,

only sound and musical content !!!






ZARk [be] - 21 years ago

1/ i don't like too much the pitch bend on the bass-sound .. it's too much variation, dont bend that much.
2/ Compression is weird .. very weird ... gotta remaster this one ...
3/ Add a louder snare to make it more "d'n'b" :)

Ro5 [be] - 21 years ago

+ It's not your best song so far but it has some potential.

- The pitchbend sounds out of tune. Try to change it into a portamento or 'slide' effect.
- The compression is indeed pumping very weird. I'd suggest to lower the ratio and increase the threshold, attack and release settings.
- It sounds like you're overcompensating the lack of bass responce on your monitors.

cestqui [be] - 21 years ago

hey dude!!dont think this is mastered with reason,spare me ya profesional feedbackabout compressing or other reason shit

it's wavelab that's overpowered>>but i'm working on it>>it's shity i cant save it,so i can continue some time later

foeke [be] - 21 years ago

There's probably something wrong with my musical perception, cause I just happen to like this song :D It's something I seldom heard on Electrobel, plain dirty drum 'n bass.

And ok, perhaps the compression is pumping and a bit weird, but in many cases music just has to have something weird to be good. And this is exactly what I feel listenening to this song: it's weird, sort of unconventional, but therefore it ain't bad by definition... au contraire, me likes a lot.

foeke [be] - 21 years ago

It doesn't really remind me of Duran Duran though... perhaps Wild Boys :)

By the way, the song really has a crappy quality if I play it in Winamp, what's with that???

praecox [be] - 21 years ago

digital distortion sucks big time
don't post unfinished songs
tube amps would spice it up (if you have'm)
good god, I hate conga's in dnb (this is very subjective I know)

edit: the bad sound could be some kind of auto make up gain plugin for your mp3 player... what program did you use for converting to mp3? that might be the soundkiller ...

cestqui [be] - 21 years ago

no hard feelin's>>lol>>may be it was intended to sound like that,still analyse it in wavelab>>frequency's and all that shit>>i did>>no digital clipping my friends

and ass the conga's concern>>that's my taste,not yours>>not very constructive indeed


whizz [be] - 21 years ago

Something very very wrong with the sound man !
It's definitely clipping somewhere.
Perhaps in your compressor?
Sort it out! ;)

Ro5 [be] - 21 years ago

When posting my previous comment, I already assumed that the distortion was intentional.
I remembered your opinion about digital gaining saturation in a earlier [URL=http://www.electrobel.be/board.php?thread_id=208]thread[/URL] and
I respect your opinion. So i didn't want to mention it.

But... if you really want a 'natural' distortion of a preamp being overdriven you will have to go analog (probably the preamps of your mixing desk will do).

To get that great pumping compression sound you will have to go analog again (a cheap dbx or a TL Audio compressor e.g.). Digital compressors suck in doing this (I own a digital hardware compressor)!

Don't get me wrong, this is [b]not[/b] a [i]hardware vs software[/i] but a [i]analog vs digital[/i] issue.

Digital equipment (soft- or hardware) has other benefits (e.g. accuracy and transparancy) and
should be used for doing that.

[b]Praecox[/b] comment is, in a way, constructive but should be 'nuanced':
-Overdriven digital preamps suck ;) Please use the dedicated distortion module inside Reason.
-There's nothing wrong with unfinished songs. They will even get their own seperate place here.
-Most analog preamps will do, only guitarist, purists and other fools use tubes these days. :P
-Conga's in dnb is indeed very personal. I'm not into dnb so I don't even know or care about this one.
-Great suggestion about the [i]auto make up gain plugin[/i]. In general, you should be very carefull about anything starting with [i]auto[/i]. It's a synonym for 'having no control over it'. :D

We're just trying to help you out, if you don't want any comments, please disable it.
Or at least, don't shoot the messenger...

cestqui [be] - 21 years ago

i do not shoot any one and i welcome the feedback>>i'm experimenting with wavelab and it fucks up the original reason production>>
the good results will come in time

i'm just frustrated about that!!

ZARk [be] - 21 years ago

"still analyse it in wavelab>>frequency's and all that shit>>i did>>no digital clipping my friends "

Indeed, it doesn't clip because it's compressed ... it's just over-compressed ... never said it clipped :)

DTK [be] - 19 years ago

really ......
it s official u suck !!!