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Merckx - Kitch


Catchy baseline and some sharp synths but a messy structure. More to come!
EDIT 07/12 still messy





Elfish [be] - 19 years ago

like the first 30 seconds, then it becomes pretty sloppy. I dont like the kick+clap breaks either. There are just too long and make the track slower. Nice melody, but it gets too messy. Difficult one, but if you manage to fix a couple of things, this could be great!

spootnick [be] - 19 years ago

indeed, structure could be alot better, the track ends on climax that's a pitty. but that baseline melody is masterful... nice going anyways. with some rearrangements we'll hear this pretty soon in den boule i hope :)

greetz thomas

HarryPoppins [be] - 19 years ago

nice steady beat.. what happens round 1min is nice too, but the break is too long..
not my genre o muzik, but i like it.. :)

mrMute [be] - 19 years ago

I really like the style and the sound of the song. I really like the bassline beginning, simple and powerful.

But i agree with spootnick, the buil-up in the end should be somewhere in the middle of the song, with a break after it.
that would give the song a more logical structure and DJ's and dancers would really be happy with that . :)

i like your music.


Skip [be] - 17 years ago

I think "sloppy" music is also a style(or a style of a style)