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cestqui - cruel world


detroit techno at it's deepest with a twist in the bazeline
(kenny larkin,raum,substance)
made in my greefprocess,of losing my girlfriend

this is a previeuw

also available at(better qualety)
>>worked out version coming soon





Romek [be] - 21 years ago

nice bass kick
add a tight
hi-hat along with it from the beginning
really nice sounds
I would surely be jumping on them at a party

Romek [be] - 21 years ago

listening again
it's really made for the atmosphere of a big party
but it's missing something
The great sound from the beginning needs some kind of a counterpart melody
te te te te --> tetetetete
you see what I mean :lol:

eddie [be] - 21 years ago

i don't see what you mean ;-)

te te te --> tette tette tette ?

Romek [be] - 21 years ago

then you must be stupid


cestqui [be] - 21 years ago

yeah,yeahn, i know>>i made a melody that respond to the other deep melodic sound<>i put more varia in it to

for a quick listen go to


Kyran [be] - 18 years ago

I like the main synth and the drums, but the bassline is just irritating me to no extend.
It's a sound I don't like and it doesn't change at all.
Improve that bass and you'll have one hell of a track