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SCUM - a little dark silhouette at the end of my bed


It's about a little dark silhoutte i saw when i collapsed into a R.E.M.-state after a weekend of partying...i couldn't move nor speak and at the end of my bed there was this strange dark silhouette....damn ,it still gives me the creeps...one hell of a psychotic episode..

it was better the first time but fruity suddenly fell out and i hadn't saved it...hmmm

basic lofi fruity
Q:where can i find some hifi drumloops or drumkits?.

suggestions about the mixture,mastering are always appreciated





ReftsidelighT [be] - 19 years ago

cool song, some parts last a bit too long for me.. the distorted beats seem to miss some mid-frequencies. grtz

gruesome2some [be] - 19 years ago

they should organize sightseeing trips in that head of yours man, with david lynch as guide or something, freeky deeky on the tiki wiki ;)