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ZARk - Dumbass


extract from my liveset ....

Now you know what to expect from my liveset ;)





amorph [be] - 21 years ago

very nice atmosphere i dig the 1st synth ... i can hear u worked a lot on ur effects but u should have worked a bit more on the beat ... it's a bit monotone imho and when it finally changes it seems it stays the same pattern but just a different clap ...
i like the ending too ...
anyway nice job on this one ;)

ZARk [be] - 21 years ago

yeah, only one loop for the first beat :P
and when it comes back it's pretty much the same beat a bit more filled in though..
i'll try putting some more variation on ze beat.

isnieZot [be] - 21 years ago

well I like this one.
don't really care about the little variation in the beats. (constantly changing beats don't work always)
I think the melodie and pads keep the track interesting enough. and the 4/4 part is cool to.but that new melodie that comes with it is good but it sounds a bit to "flat" dunno how else to put it. try turning the resonance up a bit more or something, I dunno.
I liked the track think it will work well live.