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gozno - hey even mona lisa is falling apart


this is just a test made with fl studio 6 and the zarks vst the drum thingie...
i will remove it soon just wanted people to tell me how was the sound...i really don't hear well with these walkman headphones so...
and zark you should put an option "no style" in icz so people who don't know where to post a song, post it in icz and then the others could tell where to post it...
(i really have to get those headphones fixed...it's a pain in the ear...and i have so much good machines and good ideas)





HarryPoppins [be] - 19 years ago

soundz good roBeir..
walkmanHedfoonz are good.. ;)

Arkitect [be] - 19 years ago

"sound design" sounds quiet standart but it takes a lot of time to work on it

grig [be] - 19 years ago

Man, if you did this with walkman headphones, it sounds really good!!

Many great ideas in this track & cleaver use of analog drum sounds!

Go buy some decent monitors or headphones, bro, and you'll gonna break it all!

aphone [be] - 19 years ago

yeah nice man!!! between nintendo and electro nice title too :)) --> here s an other version of mona lisa mixed with headphones too :
http://www.electrobel.be/muzik/5131/°°°Mona_Lisa_(voices_cut_version) ... just a shame
this one is so short... thumbs up DrGorgonzollouf

edith [be] - 18 years ago

this is nice !!!! cool song with good melodi, nice sounds , i like it ! from around 1.10 the beat could go a lil bit fuller i think. and the bass maybe a bit louder ... or add a pad or strings from there on or something ? because that way u can build up tension & work towards a climax ...fcourse these are merely some idea's so...whatever you do, plz keep working on this track :)