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psyshok - jazza




dorkbot [be] - 19 years ago

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i did my best to make it constructive comment bye the way!

psyshok [be] - 19 years ago

said me your French COM

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

c'est comme une radio ancien,ou est le bazzz?theheh

prend ton temp de faire du musique;

ton sauce a besoin de plus d'amour,plus de temp

aphone [be] - 19 years ago

excellent idea!!
but the quality of sound sucks a lot , as cqi said : juste take MORE time to make your music, in 10 days ya posted 30tracks.... i know it s exciting to post on ebel but... man, TAKE YOUR TIME .
stop masive posting! and about your track with more work this could turn into a beauty, i love the bass (i can hear it bit, she s too soft), the jazzy toutch , the break with the kiss sample dont fit the track for me, all your samples need more work more varitions. go one this gonna be a bombtrack!!! et essaie d causer en anglais c est un peu chiant mais au moins on a pas d problemes linguistiques...THANKS :p

psyshok [be] - 19 years ago

ok j ai compris mais sais du bon son quand meme mais j avais pas du bon matos a l epoque enfin voila peace

aphone [be] - 19 years ago

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