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cestqui - balls off


raum sounding track
with lots of atmosphere and wopping beats and
nice combinations lots of delays
d;diggler,andreas mugge,dub-taylor(raum,substatic;;;;)





praecox [be] - 21 years ago

good groove allthough don't over do the reverse on the beat. needs more movement. filter phasers on the hihats all very sublte but there ...

kemi [be] - 21 years ago

Nice work indeed...I follow the comment from Praecox : don't over do the reverse on the beat

Davias [be] - 21 years ago

The overall sound is excellent... But the synths and most of the reverse are not in time... The track let it listen but it's not exceptionally original... There is no real end also.

Romek [be] - 21 years ago

yes you should leave the backspinns to the dj!
you have more talent for house than for techno imho
Sometimes the song does get messy
And again: no bassline!
some cool sounds
Maybe try to add a voice sample, some nice lady's voice :)
to make it hot and sweatier