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Rude - Burning


Right, this is a rmx of a wobble track. Surya posted a samplepack+the tune to rmx, but I used complete different samples & VSTi's anyway, so yea. Hope you like it (most of them peops like it more than the original version).






Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

kerel tis zalig lieke echte waaarheid
greeezzzz stifler

bjornc [be] - 18 years ago

as in most of your songs: some very good synths! .. but also a lot of stuff that sounds a bit newb... stop using samples and get uself into soundscaping ur own stuff.. it will take a lot of time but i assure u.. u'll never want presets or samples again..

good luck .. u are still young! and have much better skills then that i had at that age..

KWeN [be] - 18 years ago

Little problem on the mastering of the rythmics. You should put the kick louder or compress it more in my opinion

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

J'aime trop cette zik. d'ailleurs comme la plupart des zik's que tu fais.Continue comme ca.Locksgrom