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owen - i smoke too mutch (locked up rmx)


well here i took a comercial track and tried to take it back underground!
the vocals where done by a friend of mine called nak-h and the singing by me !
had a lot of fun making this one !





icteder [be] - 19 years ago

yo sounds good dude is that you rappin?the voice still needs some mastering some limiting .greets

owen [be] - 19 years ago

no i didnt do the rapping its a friend of mine called nak-h!
i cant do everything ;)

Kyran [be] - 17 years ago

And another nice track by owen.
The only comment I have is that the voices are too much in the background. The rap also sounds 'muffled' maybe give it them a small eq boost in the highs or something.
Other than that: super (again :)