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Rude - Killing Time (Red Mercury massive preview)


worked about 2 months on this & it aint finished yet. Here's a nice preview for you to enjoy.
"You think you can stop me? You're NOTHING. Red Mercury will be reborn, and you shall live to witness my new world"






cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

i now something that will stop you,your speakers will blow up;

i think it clips big time,at low volumes ,it sounds really wicked,the kinda mood i like;not so sure about that braaf stemmeke,the flute like element dont suit the picture too,too braaf,to kind for the assbitchin bazepad;

work with clean revebs on the vocal,to make the voice angrier,and some chorus;

i like to comment sometimes 1/2 finished songs,when i hear the bigger picture in it;

ya made a hell of a job so far,just aint convincing,greetz

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

midrange is cool, but not that cool to let it play through the whole tune. like surya said, drums have too much reverb. theres no or not much variation in your drums, bass and arrangment.

you could make a nice tune out of this. get your drums fixed, maybe make em completely new and put some second maybe third bass in.

missing the dynamic and fx!!

Nevroz [be] - 19 years ago

massive vibe,kool beat good works

Jeller [be] - 18 years ago

very nice but again too repetitive..

excellentt bassound tho

change that tiny intro synth.. it sounds too fruity

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

& again, it's brilliant! Don't know what else to say..
Your penpall, Eva.x

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

really really really nice