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cestqui - that kind of feelin


pumpy beat, nasty funky bazeline combined with all dreamy sounds
leaded by percus

this one is finished,may be i explore later how to put more effects to some elements,but is quit full at the moment,dont think more elements will do good to this atmosphere





kiande [be] - 21 years ago

"pumpy beat, nasty funky bazeline" .. err, where? i bet you mixed this one down with headphones, right? needs more low end, and for the matter of basslines, they are best centered. your bassline is better noticeable with headphones becaus they are 100% wet chorused. don't do this, at least keep a dry version in the mix, with a touch of chorus, but not all the way... a bassline needs a body. the kickdrum doesn't punch through as in your description, i would suggest to put it through a compressor or something... on the other hand, nice atmosphere, but could use a bit more variation... not a bad track, but needs some touching up here and there. some simple edits could make it a lot better.


praecox [be] - 21 years ago

more low end? no realy not ... cut the bass below 150hrz and push it very slightly at 250hrz ... then recompress, but very subtle ...

your bassline is so loud in the mix it forcess the volume of all the other elements down ...

search for some mixing and mastering tutorials on google, they'll help you alot

kiande [be] - 21 years ago

that's weird, the bass just doesn't cut through on my speakers. maybe it has something to do with this phase cancellation thing. could be because by this chorusing effect used on the bass actually means you have 2 bass channels, slightly out of phase, each panned hard left and hard right. on headphones the bass sounds strong, but when the stereo channels get mixed together to get pumped through a subwoofer, the bass just disappears... with usual subbass sounds like in bukem style dnb, my sub makes the ceiling of my bathroom tremble ;)

praecox [be] - 21 years ago

the problem with deep basses is that you don't hear them ... Our ears perception stops at (guessing a bit) 80Hrz. What we hear are the overtones of the sounds (the growling cutting edge of the renegade hardware bass)

The subs, we feel them instead of hearing them.

also the fact is, no matter what you hi-fi setups tells you. those speakers can't go lower then 60Hrz. You need dedicated subwoofers to have true bass.

So people who make music on headphones or stereo speakers tend to push the bass to much, because you can't "hear" it ... best thing you do is, compress it, and slightly distort it, so the overtones get louder without the need for that volume push.

about the phase cancellation, you might be correct. Do you use a woofer? How big is your room?

at the speed of sound (300m/s) a pure sinetone of 60 Hrz (60 cycles per sec) needs 50 meters (300/60) of clear space to manifest itself fuly!! so before it gets there it bounces of the walls and cancels itself out ...