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Bedlam - Introlude pt2
This is the 2nd part of introlude pt1Please go check part 1 if you like pt 2, and even if you don't !!! :)
I would really apreciate comments !
Bedlam top 5:
Depressed -
Into the deep -
I can't see the light -
shit track - Hey my name is BG -
Lost in the Dark
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Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago
This is not as good as part 1 however. In fact, part 2 seems to be a major setback to me. The piano plays a bit of a jazzy style, but my man, all the rest....:
once again the guitar is a real pain in the ass, but if that ain't enough: the bass is even worse. And the female voice does not fit.
The end is a lot better fortunately, but is that the same guitar melody as the end of part 1? Your voice matches well there, I wonder why you don't use it in the rest of the track instead of that annoying female voice.
After such a splendid part 1, I'm sure you can do better with this one... Ah c'mon repolish this.
Bedlam [be] - 19 years ago
Actually, in the beggining they were both 1 song, and there was a big song break in the middle switching to the jazzy part and then ending with the end of pt 2.
Then i decided to make 2 songs as i was approaching 9 minutes.
The ending of I and 2 have the same guitar riffs, it's intentional !
brandtkalk [be] - 18 years ago
edith [be] - 18 years ago
rule001 [be] - 18 years ago