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cestqui - greanwaver




eddie [be] - 21 years ago

track needs some mastering - imo the high freq are too loud (but it could be these speakers :))

basic idea behind the track is good.

perhaps add a bit more 'variation' as in 'put more sound in the track'

you do something with the pad (the pad i also used in mirrormode - from the reason soundbank) i don't realy like.. could be me, but i prefer the untouched smp over ur remake

beside these remarks i think we have one of your better things here :) nice track that makes ass shake :)

grtz en respect


Romek [be] - 21 years ago


it's the groove ppl want to hear at partieszzz

djolyen [be] - 21 years ago

verry nice minimal techno track like i like! good moment at 4'25'', like Sisyphe at the top of his mountain, and then... the rock is falling! ahem... well... thanks a lot! #;?,