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ZARk - Dark Elektro


Okay, so i'm a big fan of this guy from charleroi that makes some really dark electro ..
the artist is poladroid, and i really recommend you check it out if you like dark analog electro.
Anyway, so i TRYED to get a sound that ressembles him more or less ....
But keeping my own indus-like influence...
Also it was an opportunity to test the vocoder on my A-Station :)

edit: i uploaded this mainly to test the file upload :)
But feel free to comment :)





PlanetsCitizens [be] - 18 years ago

I like that!!!!!!!!! And you know it!!! :-)

Kinet [be] - 18 years ago

hmmm, strange end?

Or is there a prbm with the file?

Great voice, btw!!

ZARk [be] - 18 years ago

not finished yet.
don't know if i wanna finish it yet... specially since i lost my vocoder patch, and i worked on it for 2-3hrs straight :s

needed to upload something to test a bug :)

ps: it's ICZ so it doesn"t have to be finished ;)

rantferox [be] - 18 years ago

love the atmopshere, dark and melancholic with a bit of a tension.

the sound of the hat seems a bit weird, like too upfront or maybe try a different pitch (+), to make it more sharper, to do a bigger contrast with the other sounds wich are very low and heavy.

the vocoder: more highs for sure, i would use a synth sound with lots of harmonics (filter completely open) to make it sound more metallic.

nice one

waiting for the complete track if u can be bothered :D


Erophin [be] - 18 years ago

nice! the zooming wasp thing dont totally fit imo, make that a bit darker, maybe a cutoff will fix it?

melodikpinpon [be] - 18 years ago

good introduction. i am just perturbed byvolume of the hihats & the melodie is little bit too loud.
nice vocoder, the voice creat a realy dark atmos

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

Ya man, finish it!
I just loooooove dark electro, all to my taste. Hope you'll finish it one day...
I wanted to check this Poladroid-dude, his last log-in was 2004 and he ain't got any songs left online.... hmmm :/ too bad.

fabethefabulous [be] - 18 years ago

same if N is not finished C is really well already a very beautiful beginning

psyshok [be] - 18 years ago

vraiment bien j attend la suite avec inpatience peace man

distreality [be] - 18 years ago

been a while since I checked the ZARk man's music...
I obviously missed something, this is great !!!
The beats and hats are very cool, the atmos is everything I like !!!
I would lose the synth line though ( the zooming wasp thing as Erophin called it )
If u decide to keep it, I would lower the volume, it kinda pulls all the attention away from the rest of the track, wich is absolutely cool...
Indeed if u make it darker, cutoff and some delay fx maybe...

You should definitely finish this...
Too bad for the lost vocoder patch caus it's great...
I think you should try to redo it, it's worth it !!!

cool new pic btw...

psyshok [be] - 18 years ago

i like it dommage que ca dure pas peace

Zymosis [be] - 17 years ago

this is awesome!
The wasp thing is a little weird, but it's original and it gives a really cool twist to the song...
The vox were great too! Luv it!