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BunZer0 - Gloomy Vibrations




kemi [be] - 21 years ago

i really like the bass and floating notes here and there. They create the gloomy vibes you're referring to. (note:I personally don't like the drum kit. The snare is not punchy enough for that kind of track.)

djit [be] - 21 years ago

agree with kemi: the soundz layers are "entertaining" but i find the beats lousy. sorry mate, i think you tried mixing wine and beer in the same glass, that is: breakz groove and hypnotic ambience. Don't mind me: it's always good to experiment, and you are right to, but i personally don't find the result very tasteful on this one track.

just my opinion of course :)

keep comin' !


BunZer0 [be] - 21 years ago

Wine and beer... In fact it depends of the order : "bier na wijn is venijn et wijn na beer is plezier" ;-) I've tried to reach the second one but as u said it is more an eperiment. Next job will be better. Thanx for comments.

agathokless [be] - 21 years ago

don't agree @ all with those previous comments ... the more wine + the more beer = the better it gets

keep on mixin' those alcohols bro


kornie [be] - 18 years ago

old one, but good!