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Who am I?
[LiquidBass] is an electronic music Live Performance Artist from Luxembourg.
Born in 1978 and raised in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Lived in Belgium and Switzerland
1995: First musical experience as bass player in a punkrock garage combo called Anarchophobia.
2000: Founded the Triphop-Band Bluediving in Brussels. 1 Live-Performance at Arts in Beaufort Festival 2002.
2003: Joined french-rock band L'Autre Fusion.
2003: Founded ska-rock collective Madras with members of L'Autre Fusion and Bluedivingâ?¦ was fun and sounded like Manu Chao vs Noir Desir.
2004: Joined electro-rock-band Emryld. First step into electronic music. Left 10 months later due to departure to Switzerland. http://www.emryld.com/
2004: Founded Triphop-band The Chill Conspiracy in Neuchâtel, Switzerland with actress and singer Lucie Farine and house-producer DJ Psion. Released on several compilations. Airplay on local swiss radio stations. Featured on several podcasts. http://myspace.com/thechillconspiracy
2005: Joined the Electrobel Community as Liquidbass. http://be.electrobel.org/liquidbass
2006: Back in Luxemburg, joined electro-punk-band Porn Again. Several gigs in Belgium and Luxembourg. Left in summer 2007. http://youtu.be/u1_1tReZ7Tg
2006: Created Nastylicious (electropop) and Orchid Poison (Triphop). http://www.myspace.com/nastylicious http://be.electrobel.org/orchidpoison
2007: Launched a Video Channel on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/liquidbasss
2007: Set up MusicLab4 at Rockhal with Cyclorama and guests.
2008: Started to take part in Live Ambient and Synthesizer Sessions with Gast Klares, XBrainwaves, Sermeq, Nonius, Rf061992 and guests. http://www.gastonklares.com/
2008: Started mixed electronica Live-shows as [LiquidBass] http://myspace.com/orchidpoison
2008: Created experimental "sound and pulse of the earth" project Magmatronica. http://be.electrobel.org/Magmatronica
2008: Collaborated with free experimentation band Luma Luma. 1 gig at Holy Ghost mainstage at Fête de la Musique 2009. http://www.lumaluma.com/
2009: Started joining [Sermeq] and Lisa Berg on selected live shows. http://www.myspace.com/sermeq
2009: Created Black Widow Voodoo Cult (ambient/drone/electronica) www.myspace.com/blackwidowvoodoocult
2011: Started collaboration with Fred Baus and Deborah Lehnen as Liquid Circles
Member since: 20 years
Last Logged in: 3 months
Mood: Bombing the bass...
Profession: Journalist
City: Luxembourg
Age: 46 years
I Compose: Downbeat, Trip Hop
with: Akaipro Apc40, Korg R3, Korg Electribe, Korg Kaoss Pad 3, Novation Remote SL Zero, Korg Nano Keys, M-Audio Midisports, M-Audio Keystation 49e, several basses & guitars
Ableton Live 7, Reason 4, Recycle, Cubase LX, Wavelab
I Play: Downbeat, Triphop, Dub, Reggae, Ska, Noizerock... & many more
with: Basses: LINE6 Variax 5Str Bass (WHOOOHOOO) Rickenbacker, Ibanez, Samick, Stewart... /// Guitars: Vantage, Daddario /// Effects: Boss, Line6, Ibanez, Zoom /// Amplification:Laney RBW300 /// UsB-Midi-Keyboard: M-Audio Keystation 49e
Total Posts: 1288
Last Post: 14 years in !!!PRESSING PLAN + MANUFACTURING!!!
Total Comments: 1625 (0.2/day)
Last Comment: 11 years in zerofour - music for good times
Listened by User: 12677 (1.7/day)
Last Listened: 3 months @ Blutmond
Total Songs: 48
Listened: times (/day)
Who I am?
[LiquidBass] is an electronic music Live Performance Artist from Luxembourg.
Born in 1978 and raised in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Lived in Belgium and Switzerland
1995: First musical experience as bass player in a punkrock garage combo called Anarchophobia.
2000: Founded the Triphop-Band Bluediving in Brussels. 1 Live-Performance at Arts in Beaufort Festival 2002.
2003: Joined french-rock band L'Autre Fusion.
2003: Founded ska-rock collective Madras with members of L'Autre Fusion and Bluedivingâ?¦ was fun and sounded like Manu Chao vs Noir Desir.
2004: Joined electro-rock-band Emryld. First step into electronic music. Left 10 months later due to departure to Switzerland. http://www.emryld.com
2004: Founded Triphop-band The Chill Conspiracy in Neuchâtel, Switzerland with actress and singer Lucie Farine and house-producer DJ Psion. Released on several compilations. Airplay on local swiss radio stations. Featured on several podcasts. http://myspace.com/thechillconspiracy
2005: Joined the Electrobel Community as Liquidbass. http://be.electrobel.org/liquidbass
2006: Back in Luxemburg, joined electro-punk-band Porn Again. Several gigs in Belgium and Luxembourg. Left in summer 2007. http://youtu.be/u1_1tReZ7Tg
2006: Created Nastylicious (electropop) and Orchid Poison (Triphop). http://www.myspace.com/nastylicious http://be.electrobel.org/orchidpoison
2007: Launched a Video Channel on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/liquidbasss
2007: Set up MusicLab4 at Rockhal with Cyclorama and guests.
2008: Started to take part in Live Ambient and Synthesizer Sessions with Gast Klares, XBrainwaves, Sermeq, Nonius, Rf061992 and guests. http://www.gastonklares.com
2008: Started mixed electronica Live-shows as [LiquidBass] http://myspace.com/orchidpoison
2008: Created experimental "sound and pulse of the earth" project Magmatronica. http://be.electrobel.org/Magmatronica
2008: Collaborated with free experimentation band Luma Luma. 1 gig at Holy Ghost mainstage at Fête de la Musique 2009. http://www.lumaluma.com
2009: Started joining [Sermeq] and Lisa Berg on selected live shows. http://www.myspace.com/sermeq
2009: Created Black Widow Voodoo Cult (ambient/drone/electronica) www.myspace.com/blackwidowvoodoocult
2011: Started collaboration with Fred Baus and Deborah Lehnen as Liquid Circles
Live performances in 2011:
Nov 19th: 5 yrs Netwaves Festival, Leuven
Nov 11th: private event, St. Vith
Oct 14th: CD-Release Avistamientos, Exit07
Oct 12th: Vernissage Expo Aïda Schweitzer, Dudelange
Sept 28th: Melting Session 4bis (w. Sermeq), Dudelange
Sept 19th: Hack.lu Event, Luxembourg
July 27th: Wednesdays@Mudam
July 20th: Wednesdays@Mudam
July 13th: Wednesdays@Mudam
July 6th: Wednesdays@Mudam
Live performances in 2010:
Dec 25th: Diva, Esch/Alzette
Dec 11th: dqliq
Nov 20th: Walfer MuseksMaart
Oct 28th: Private Event, Kulturfabrik
Oct 9th: Nasty Show, Radio Ara
Oct 8th: Plankton Waves CD release, Exit07
Sept 24th: Rekult vol03, Esch/Alzette
Sept 11th: Take Away Festival (B)
Aug 20th: Synth Session, Olingen
July 26th: Netrock Festival, Rockhal
July 23rd: HaXoGreen Summercamp, Dudelange
April 30th: Lasauvage (w. Sermeq + Lisa Berg + Melting Pol)
April 24th: Crazy Cinématographe goes electroacoustic @ Traffo
Jan 30th: Polylux Session
Jan 23rd: Save Esch Session
Jan 9th: Midicrash Birthday bash
Live performances in 2009:
Dec 18th: Melting Session 4, Philharmonie, Luxembourg
Oct 18th: Rekult vol02, Meco, Luxembourg
Sept 19th: Ambient Session, Ancien Cinema, Vianden
Sept 12th: Espace Paragon, Luxemboug
Aug 23rd: Piknik Elektronik, Brussels
Aug 8th: Distillery Session, Freckeisen
July 25th: Ambient Session, Amphitheatre, Berdorf
June 21st: Holy Ghost Stage, Luxembourg
May 29th: ClaroObscuro, Statsvisionen, BarODroom, Mechelen
Mars 27th: Exhibition, Kopstal
Feb 9th: Live Radiophonie, Radio Ara
Feb 7th: Berlin is eene Wolke
Live performances in 2008:
Dec 20th: Electrobel going North, Zebra Bar, Brussels
Oct 25th: Ambient Session, Ancien Cinema, Vianden
Oct 24th: BMG by Minipli, EXIT07, Luxembourg
Sept 27th: Faites de la Communauté, L'an vert, Liège
Aug 2nd: Ambient Session, Amphitheatre, Berdorf
July 26th: Electrobel Summerfest, Scheld'apen, Antwerp
May 24th: ERC Session, Sens Equi'voc, Lens-Saint-Remy
Feb 2nd: Ambient Session, Betzdorf
Live performances in 2007:
Dec 7th: Music Lab, ROCKHAL, Esch-sur-Alzette
Nov 24th: LikeJam, LX5, Luxembourg
Que c'est beau l'electro!!!
:music: Confession: I'm an electrobel addict... :music:
...someone there to show me the way to the anonymous electrobelians???? ... help ...
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